Friday, February 6, 2009

A Continuation of the Same...

Just a quick post to say this week has been mostly a success - and I even persuaded Ed and Shelby that eating in would be better than going out to eat tonight, as is our "tradition!" Of course, if I hadn't had time to fill up the crock pot this morning, I would have voted "eat out" tonight too - it's been a long week, and I'm usually ready for a cooking break on Friday nights!  

My birthday party streak continues....tomorrow is the fourth Saturday in a row that I've attended a birthday party for someone under age 5....good thing cake isn't really my thing. Tomorrow we're partying at 1PM, so I plan to eat lunch first, so I should be ok. 

BTW, I've skipped out on my Monday morning weigh-ins and bikini testing recently (can you blame me?! :-), but I finally stepped on the scale yesterday and was pleasantly surprised that I'd actually lost a bit, rather than gained. 133.6 lbs....I think it's the Kashi Go Lean Crunch with Almonds and Flaxseed that's helping (seriously!!) - extra protein, and other good stuff, so it fills me up and I don't get so hungry during the day that I pig out. And for some reason, I just love this stuff. Weird, I know, but true.... Oh and one more thing that might be contributing....Ed had his cholesterol tested and it's borderline high, so we've instituted some changes around here, one of which is a nightly glass of red wine per a recommendation from his physician. Well, I'm drinking it, but he's not (he doesn't like red wine and acts like I'm being mean by asking him to drink it)....some plan for HIS cholesterol, right?!  But the result is, I'm waking up feeling a little slimmer - dehydration from one small glass?  That probably isn't right, so maybe it's just a coincidence...

My goal for this weekend is simple: no eating at Mac's Breakfast Anytime....easy to say, but we'll see...the hashbrowns are so good...especially with cheese on them....

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