Wednesday, December 31, 2008

I think the bikini idea is great. I will have to adopt that one myself. I am doing better with the water challenge but not as good as I should. I have completely given up my diet Mt. Dew and don't feel any different. I have stepped on the scale thismorning and am at 141. I am also going to give up weighing every day. A Monday plan may well work for me too. I had a bad day with (still) more candy in front of me. I can not stear away from the Oreo's the kids wanted and the Hershey's kisses. The kisses are gone however and I am going to make a pack with the cookies. I really believe if I did not have kids I would weigh 120 easy. But then again....there was a time in my life when I did not have kids and did not weigh 120, so maybe that is not correct. I am doing really well with vegtables and a sensible supper. Malcolm has been off and is cooking for me. It helps that he is watching his cholesterol and wants to eat healthy. It all goes back to chocolate. What is a girl to do???

Goals for tomorrow: 8 glasses of water and NO chocolate.

1 comment:

  1. I have to admit that I've been eating one piece of Dove dark chocolate with almonds on a fairly regular basis recently...but with all the evidence as to the health benefits of such a treat, I feel totally justified...I read somewhere that dark chocolate has benefits similar to red wine....please, please, please tell me I'm not wrong! Oh, and by the way, I hide a bag of these chocolates in my blender. I can eat one every few days and be completely happy...Ed? Well...not so much...
