Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Two Days In A Row

Yesterday was 2 days in a row of no Pepsi! I had some today when I went out to lunch, and it was super tasty, but I didn't get a refill and didn't even finish the entire cup. No comment on where I ate lunch-it wasn't healthy, but it sure was tasty! These next few days will be bad eating days for me...New Year's Eve is always bad, and then there will be lots of snacks and pizza during the Rosebowl on the 1st. I plan on indulging, but not over-indulging!! That is the key for me.

I've been busy and have been slacking on the running, but tomorrow there should be plenty of time for that. I've been weighing myself everyday, and while the numbers aren't changing...they aren't going up either. Once Laura is back in school and my husband is back to work, I think I will be more on track with exercising and eating less. At least, that's the plan!

1 comment:

  1. Great on the Pepsi....and I know what you mean about lots of snacks. I can't wait until the holiday eating extravaganza is OVER! I'm ready to go back to normal life...and of course, I'm now counting the days until the pool is open! :-)
