Wednesday, December 31, 2008

I Love Ed Connor!

After a fairly healthy eating day, I was running late in terms of fixing dinner. Ed jumped in and made ravioli with sauteed vegetables, and it was wonderful!  Of course, it was the refrigerated pasta and sauce, but I give him a ton of credit for chopping up and cooking vegetables (as we all know, I love eating vegetables, but I HATE chopping them!). A healthy ending to my day, and he even cleaned the kitchen.  Life is good....

On another note, I also love Jason's Deli!  Ed wanted to eat out for lunch, but by the time he got home from work (early, obviously), I'd already eaten lunch. So off to Jason's Deli we went - Ed had a sandwich, and Shelby and I shared a plate of fruit and chips and salsa. Nice to be together, be out, and still eat good-for-you, yummy food!

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