Friday, December 26, 2008

So, here's to the skinnier me......again.....

Once again, it is time to loose weight. Angi, you are always right on time! Christmas is over, the blue jeans fit a little (alot) tighter and I played football in the back yard today with Tyler and felt my butt shake. Yuck!!!! I knew at that moment the time had come. So, for supper tonight I went out and had shrimp and grits, steak, full fat ranch dressing, baked potato with butter and lots of wine. I now am back in my fat pants and looking for weight watchers online. I did not cancel my subscription b/c I knew I would be back. My goal: 135 by March 31st and in great shape. I have 8-9 pounds to loose. My NEW treadmill is in my room waiting to be put together. Goal is set for Monday. So, before the new year I will be able to walk/run on a daily basis. Yoga tapes will be back out tomorrow. I should probably go to the grocery store tonight while I am stimulated.

So girls, I am most thankful I only have to type and do not have to post a pre and post picture of myself. Thanks so much.


  1. Ok, so the pre- and post-photo thing is completely appalling to me, so I'm with you....let's not. I'd rather die than post a picture of myself in all of my "post-holiday, I've not run in about a week" glory!

    Glad you're here, Susan...our own version of Weight Watchers, without the "points!"

  2. I guess we all agree on the no pictures thing! I have a picture forever etched in my mind of what I look like right now, so that is enough for me.

    My lunch today was not healthy (Wendy's on the way home from Sanford) but I did get a salad instead of fries. I hope that counts for something!
