Friday, December 26, 2008

This Blog Is The Antithesis of Someone Like Me

I wonder if Angela secretly started this blog with the sole intention of whipping me into shape?? I suppose that's a pretty self-centered thought, and very likely, untrue. Angela loves healthy food and good eating, so this blog is no surprise to me. Regardless, this is just the type of thing I need. I do not eat well. At all. I love yummy food, and in my mind, yummy food is a cheeseburger and fries, candy, pop, mashed potatoes, steak...I could go on and on. Yet as a semi-intelligent person, I know that I could probably lose weight fairly easily if I would only tweak my eating habits a little bit.

For some time I have planned on cutting out the majority of my Pepsi drinking. I do not do well with complete deprivation, so I told myself I will be allowed to drink it if I go out to eat (another area that needs work!). If I don't have it in the house, I can't drink it, simple as that. Yesterday I drank my last can of Pepsi at home and I don't plan on buying any more for the time being. That's step one. Step two is figuring out meals I can eat for lunch and dinner that are tasty, somewhat healthy, and very filling. I have a huge appetite. Sometimes I can eat more than my husband at dinner and still feel hungry. And not boredom hunger, actual "I must eat now" hunger. As a teenager it didn't matter if I ate a triple cheeseburger. My metabolism burned it off by the time I walked back to my car.

But times have changed. I'm 29, eat as much as I did 15 years ago, and the weight is slowly creeping up. Yet if I eat the size meal many experts recommend, I am still starving afterwards. I don't try to say this as an excuse. Perhaps some of it is in my mind. But as my husband can tell you, I need to eat a lot of food, and frequently, to keep from becoming a crabby, dizzy, tired monster. I truly believe I need a lot of calories to keep myself going. The key is the right calories!

I've often said I want to be 130 pounds by my 30th birthday, and while that is still true, what's even more important to me is that I be healthy and toned. 130 is a good goal for me to shoot for, but I bet with some changes to my eating, and some more work in the running area, I will be far better off whether I weigh 130 or 139 (my current weight, out there for the whole world to read). So I will end this rather lengthy entry here, and hopefully will be back soon to report about all the fruits, veggies, and other healthy food I am eating!


  1. Ok, Claire - I'm with you...healthy eating and running, regardless of the number on the scale!

    And BTW, I'm going to have to get my act together regarding portion control and real food. I don't care a thing about candy, but put some chicken pot pie in my path and I can down about 2,000 calories in a heartbeat....and as much as I love salads, I HATE cutting up vegetables so I don't eat salads nearly enough. Oh, and one last thing....I'm going to transition to tall, nonfat lattes at Starbucks as of today. Did you know you can save 120 calories by choosing the tall, nonfat latte instead of the grande, nonfat gingersnap latte? Sigh.....

  2. For me it is all about the sweets (but you knew that already!) I guess I am lucky that I am not too addicted to Starbucks yet, I can stop myself now before it gets serious.

    I do notice that I eat a lot less snacks and candy when I am out of the house....that's what makes this holiday break so tough. Laura is off of school for 2 weeks and we just sit around and snack all day. I feel gross just talking about it.
