Thursday, January 1, 2009

Coffee...we must discuss....

Ok, Claire, I realize you're not the addict that I am, so this may not be up your alley, but I need to talk about my coffee. I think I might have figured out how to reduce fat and calories, and still make my coffee worth dreaming about at night (yes...I go to bed excited about waking up and drinking coffee, and I do occasionally dream about coffee....can you say "junkie?!"). Anyway, here's my new approach - I bought the fat-free half and half, which is made of skim milk and...gulp...corn syrup. If I think about it too long, I think I'll gag, so I'm not going to think about it at all. This stuff has half the calories of my regular creamers, no fat, and tastes surprisingly good. Not good in the way that real half and half tastes, of course, but good enough for me. I paired it with Dunkin Donuts hazelnut flavored coffee (duh!  the flavor is in the coffee now, not the creamer - why has it taken me so long to figure this out?!).  I'm enjoying right now....

Susan, it may not be sweet enough for you - a packet of splenda might help?  I'm theoretically opposed fake sweeteners, but really in regard to Shelby more than myself. My sister reacts badly to Splenda and Sweet n Low however, so that's got me spooked....but that's a whole other story!

Back to my coffee, before it gets cold. 


  1. I have not thought about fat free half/half. I figured anything fat free and half only had to be bad. I am onto sugar free french vanilla coffee mate creamer. Half the calories as the full fat flavor. But it has the sweetness that I got hooked on with the sweet/low. It is really making me happy the past few days. When you add up weight watcher points, the full fat flavor is huge. So, I have to give up something. I have not thought to try the flavored coffee. I don't like dunkin donuts for some reason. Maybe I don't make it right. Starbucks house and breakfast blends are my dream flovors these days. I am also hooked on the Lowe's (yes, grocery store brand) organic coffee. It is really good too. You just have to find a Lowe's to get it. I buy 2-3 bags at a time b/c I go there so infrequently.

    And must I say, I am preferring my own coffee to the real deal Starbucks store these days. Great for my pocketbook but a really, strange out of body experience. I never thought coffee at home could be so good.....

  2. Wow - I'm interested in the Lowe's coffee. Organic AND good? Sign me up! I think there's a Lowe's in Pinehurst close to my office, so I'll check it out.

    Also, I have all but dropped my Starbuck's habit - been there maybe once in the last two weeks, which for me is noteworthy!
