Friday, January 9, 2009

Better eating on the horizon!

So I know I shouldn't be excited about Ed going out of town for a week - and honestly, I'm not. I hate when he's gone - I don't sleep well, I worry about him, I have to take the trash out myself, and so on. But, there is a good side to his being gone - I don't eat as much! I think it has to do with not cooking "real" dinners? Regardless, I always do better when it's just me and Shelby, so next week should be a good one for me. Will keep you all posted!

Yesterday was a good eating day too - still eating too much at dinner, I think, but I didn't eat anything that was really unhealthy. I need to drink more water though! So, those are my goal for today - portion control and drink more water. Oh, and it wouldn't hurt if I ate a few more vegetables today!

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