Thursday, January 22, 2009

Dreaming About Food

The husband and I watched LOST last night and neither of us were appreciating all the commericals for food. Can you tell what is on our minds lately? My eating right and eating at home challenge is tough!

I had a dream last night that I was at the mall and was stuck there all day without food, and my only option was to eat at the food court. Some person (no one I know in real life) was essentially pressuring me to just give in and eat there. It was such an odd dream! As far as I know, I never gave in to the dreamland temptation. At first when I woke up I thought that I had eaten lunch out yesterday and I was furious! I was very relieved when I realized it was all a dream.

I have to go back to the mall today since I forgot my wallet when I went yesterday and couldn't return the thing I had gone there to return. Once again, it would be so easy and so yummy to grab lunch there, but I'm going to have a sandwich here before I go. Not want I want to do, but what I need to do. My scale is still saying what it did yesterday, so I guess I'm on the right track!

1 comment:

  1. Dreaming about this? That's awesome! And yet, I know it's indicative of your frustration....hang in there! :-)
