Monday, January 5, 2009

I hate my scale......

Although I, like you, have spent the past few days on the couch and eating like crap, I did step on the scale today. It is a love-hate relationship that turned into downright disgust. When I put my pants on this morning and they were tight in places they had not been tight in a very long time, I knew I had to see the numbers for real. I was astonished at the damage New Year's and Christmas could do. So, I did the worst thing I could do....I skipped all breakfast and all lunch, crammed in a wrap late afternoon and ate a small supper. Weight watcher points would probably be good but overall, probably not the best diet plan. I did get in 6-8 glasses of water however. So, tomorrow, a new diet plan for the week: try to diet. That will be a great start.

I do at least have a good reason for being on the couch that I just have to share. I injured my neck Saturday. How you ask???? Getting off the couch!!!!! Yes, for real. How sad I am. I was talking to Tyler, turned to get up, and POP. The good news is that it is much better after a few days but just to let you know....the couch CAN be a dangerous place......

1 comment:

  1. Ok, I have to admit that a "couch" injury is something I've never considered. But, now that I know you're healing, I'm wondering if it's ok for us to find this a bit funny?! Of course, I'm the person that yelled "I love Dicks" in the Barnes and Noble parking lot (I was talking about the sporting goods store, not the "other" but the soldiers that heard me had no way of knowing that...), so a couch injury is not out of the realm of possiblity for me either... :-)

    Seriously though, sometimes the cold hard truth is the best way to get motivated. Which is exactly why I've not stepped on my scale in over a week...I'm avoiding it....and am convinced that it lies to me...
