Saturday, January 24, 2009

Off The Wagon, But Right Back On

So, I didn't make it a full week without eating out. But I'm quite okay with that. I went 6 days, and had my reward tonight in the form of a yummy burger. Simple necessity prompted it, seeing as we were out on errands all afternoon and had essentially no food in the house to go home to. While I enjoyed my meal, I didn't enjoy it as much as I used to. I wasn't able to finish everything (maybe my stomach is actually shrinking like my husband says!) and I certainly didn't feel as healthy tonight as I have this past week. In particular I think the Pepsi did a number on me since I haven't had caffeine in a week. Here it is 11pm and I can't fall asleep!

I was rereading my runner's handbook tonight, and it talked about how cutting yourself off completely from favorite foods will just cause you to fail. I've always believed that which is why I have never dieted in my life. But what was more interesting was the book saying that as you become healthier and more in shape, your body will crave healthier foods. It almost seems to be coming true for me. I doubt a junk food addict like myself would ever stop eating junk completely, but I seem to want it a lot less. Tonight's dinner was good but not great.

My biggest hurdle to cross is finding something I can eat at home that is filling. I have been having a hard time in particular with my lunches and still feeling hungry about 30 minutes after I eat. I'm glad that the snacks I eat to tide myself over to dinner have been healthy (dried apples and yogurt) but I'm just not used to feeling this famished by 1pm and trying to wait until 5:30 or 6 to eat dinner. That has really been tough. Those are the times I get irrational and want nothing more than a big cheeseburger or 3 tacos or something.

I see I am rambling but I guess the point is that I ate out tonight, and I'm not mad at myself but proud that I went from Sunday to Saturday eating at home the entire time. I'm also proud because I have no real plans to eat out again any time next week and feel committed to making a point of eating at home. It's not as hard as I thought it would be. And I think the absolute best thing is the effect it is having on Laura. I want to make these changes not only for myself, but for her as well, in the hopes of creating better habits for her as she gets older.


  1. Terrific job, Claire. I'm proud of you for sticking to your "not eating out" plan!!! I'm going to grab the book tonight myself...I could use some extra motivation!

  2. Is this the book Angi you emailed me or another one? I would love to get it!
