Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Let's be honest....

This blog isn't all that fun, but I'm committed to posting nonetheless.....

Anyway......Ed's been gone since Sunday, and although we miss him a ton, my eating has been way, way better!  My cooking has been minimal, and I've not stuffed myself at dinner like I normally do. Why can't I control my portions when he's here?!  Is it because I don't cook big dinners, or what?  Wish I could figure it out so I could "fix" whatever it is!

Also, I've been weighing myself daily since he left, only because I didn't trust my scale on Monday. I swear it said this morning that I weigh 134.2 lbs., but I can't bring myself to believe it. I'll repeat the weigh-ins for the rest of the week and see if it stays the same, and I'll get on the scale at the chiropractor's office on Friday for confirmation. I weighed 137 at the doctor's office on Monday morning, but I was fully dressed, and even had my running shoes on, so maybe 134.2 is right - but I'm not yet convinced....

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