Saturday, January 17, 2009

Post-swimming pigfest!

Ok, so I know pigfest isn't technically a word, but based on what I just did, it really should be. I was so happy with the swimming (see the other blog...), I let Ed and Shelby talk me into a post-swimming dinner at Waffle House. Yuck....and at the same time...yum.... I ate too much greasy food, but I'm hoping I'll make up for it tomorrow. 

I do have one ongoing problem though. I love salad.  I hate to make salad. I will make salad if I'm inspired. I will never be inspired to make salad when it's cold outside......  I need warm food to get through this weather - too bad this warm food would take the shape of a baked potato with all the stuff on it from Jason's Deli if I had my way. I can't figure out what to make for myself, particularly at lunch time, that's warm and healthy, and can be prepared in less than five minutes. HELP!

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