Thursday, January 1, 2009

My Worst Eating Day In A Long Time!!!!!

Today was a ridiculously bad eating day for me, but I knew it would be so I don't mind sharing! We goofed off at home all day and played in the backyard for a while, plus took a short walk with the dog, so I did manage to work up a pretty good appetite. We had pizza (1.5 pieces for me) for dinner while watching the Rose Bowl, plus I drank a whole bottle of Cherry Coke (250 calories!!!!) and had one of my most favorite treats ever-potato chips with onion dip. I can't even imagine the amount of calories, I ate so much of it and it was so good!

It is after 9pm and I am still stuffed. But like I said, I had planned on this day of indulgence and therefore ate pretty well the couple of days before, and even better, felt no guilt at all today. I enjoyed it as a temporary day of fun, eating and otherwise, and I know it will be back to being good tomorrow. Or as good as you can be when you are someone like me!

1 comment:

  1. If we didn't have days like this, we'd go crazy and end up eating bad ALL the time! Eating healthy is wonderful, but you have to splurge sometimes too! I'm planning to treat myself soon - haven't identified that treat yet though, because I want to make sure it's something really worth it!
